Tropical Kiwi Smoothie

Tropical Kiwi Smoothie

Tropical Kiwi Smoothie Tropical Kiwi Smoothie Ingredients 1 1/2 oz baby rainbow swiss chard 1 banana peeled 2 kiwis peeled, chopped 1 tbsp chia seeds 1 cup of almond milk 1 cup of ice With more vitamin C per serving than oranges, kiwis are an excellent food for...
Lemon Ginger Hydrate Smoothie

Lemon Ginger Hydrate Smoothie

Lemon Ginger Hydrate Smoothie Lemon Ginger Hydrate Smoothie Ingredients 1 1/2 oz collard greens3 oz grape tomatoes2 mini cucumbers – chopped1 lemon – juiced1/2 inch ginger – chopped1 tbsp chia seeds1 cup water1 cup ice Too much sugar (especially the...