About Us
Our “Job” and function is to find just the right Band, Recording Artist, Comedian, Celebrity, Vocalist, DJ or Full Orchestra for your event at the best available price. We pride ourselves in representing YOU, the buyer, unlike many major agencies who aggressively promote their in-house artists.
Over 20 years of dealing with Artists and their agents have enabled us to establish a repore with them that makes it easier to deliver your requirements within your budget.
Whether you are a novice or a pro at booking and buying Entertainment, we will simplify your task so that at “Showtime”, you may even be able to take a seat and enjoy the show. You are going to like the way we work!
That’s Entertainment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Corporate Events, Conventions & Trade Shows
In planning entertainment for corporate events, the focus is on the reason for the vent…Announcements, Promotions, Management Changes, Trade Shows, Conventions, Retirements, Holiday Parties or even for a Morale Booster. This will usually help make the decision on the size and type of the affair but also the appropriate entertainment required.
As was said earlier, entertainment comes in all styles and sizes; it could consist of a DJ spinning records for dancing or a piano player for background music, to a full-blown concert featuring national or regional artists & acts…following the speeches and the accolades of the evening.
Bear in mind, that the venue or place where the function is being held must be suitable for this type of act. The budget also will be influenced by the type and size of the affair. The other basic rules for planning entertainment and concerts, as outlined in these pages still apply, with greater or lesser importance given to the various items.
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Fundraisers & Charities:
Planning and promoting concerts for fundraisers and charities need to adhere to the basic rules, with a few changes. The reason for the event is obvious…the named charity or recipient…but you still need a plan to bring the event to a successful conclusion. The main difference is the budget. The expenditures for fundraisers and charity functions should be replaced as much as possible by donations, discounts, sponsorship and underwriting. Therefore, flexibility in your planning is of the utmost importance. If something is being donated or heavily discounted, you need to have it fit in with your planning.
You even may get a place to hold the concert or event donated if you can make it work in your overall plan…Flexibility is an important part of your plan. Try to be as flexible as possible with your date, choice of artist, etc. One area where donations are rare is the actual entertainment and or artists…the exception being in the case of a local or national circumstance, emergency or disaster, where artists have been known to donate their time and services.
However, great entertainment can be had for a lesser amount by choosing a Tribute Act rather than the original artists. Early planning makes many things possible to bring cost down and revenues up…
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To All Club Owners Everywhere…
Have you ever stopped to realize your importance in the nurturing of entertainment talent? You have provided a proving ground and a venue for almost every artist and act in the entertainment field. How many “garage bands” got their first gig in a small neighborhood club…were well received and got a second gig …continued to larger clubs and venues…became full time professionals and or became famous in their field?
Although not every great artist or act started in a garage, I think you’ll agree that they all had to start somewhere…and that somewhere often could have been a club.
The point of all this is to inform you Club Owners, big and small, that we recognize your importance to the Entertainment business.
If and when you are considering adding entertainment to your activities…we can provide you with advice and service to suit your needs.
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Fairs are usually annual affairs sponsored by a State or County government to promote and attract recognition and outside interests. They are not held primarily to make money but instead are set up to be self-supporting. In most cases, however, they usually end up with a profit. They usually run for a week or at least a long weekend.
Activities include exhibits and booths featuring agricultural and homemaking interests among others. A gate fee is charged for general admission which includes all exhibits and access to the usual games, rides and food booths which of course charge for their wares.
An important part of the fair program ia the entertainment consisting of concerts featuring top name artists and acts. According to the size of the fair, there may be performances each day or evening or just on designated days. A special “hard ticket” is sometimes sold to see these acts which are held in an area apart from the regular exhibits.
They are generally well supported by the attending fair patrons who would not normally can see these well-known artists and acts. As with all concerts, planning is essential and should be done with as much lead time as possible to have the desired entertainment. Promotion of this top talent is especially important since these artists are a great draw for all fairs and ideally can be self-supporting.
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Parties (Reasons for and Planning Of)
Parties are held for many reasons but in all cases, they are primarily a source of enjoyment and entertainment for invited guests. Private parties are held to celebrate holidays and special events in our lives or in the lives of loved ones.
Corporate parties on the other hand, are usually held and suppimented by an important underlying reason or business decision.
Some of the reasons companies have parties might include: the retirement of an important officer, manager or employee. Rather than simply presenting the traditional gold watch at an office gathering, the presentation is made at a dinner party, a cocktail party or even a luncheon. Any of these events can be embellished with some form of entertainment depending on the scope of the affair and the budget.
Remember, it is entirely possible to eliminate entertainment at any of these functions, but why then, plan a party at all. The buildup of relationships between company and employees is a factor that cannot be overlooked. Other reasons for a party are promotions, holidays such as Christmas, incentives and goal achievements…let’s not forget that sometimes you don’t really need a strong reason at all.
Entertainment for parties can and will vary, as always, according to the size and type of the affair as well as the allotted budget…and may include speakers, celebrities, comedians, recording artists, dance music, bands and even DJ’s.
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Festivals are a kind of hybrid since they can be held for any reason, at any time and for any purpose. You’ve seen or been involved with an assortment of festivals such as Pumpkin Festival, Strawberry Festival, Fourth of July Festival, Old Time Festival etc. Pick a theme and you can hold a Festival.
They are planned to be largely self-supporting with sponsors thru out, using banners and large signage. There is normally no admission since they are usually held in a designated area such as Main Street or the town park etc. Festivals can run for a week or a weekend with entertainment planned for each day at a designated space where a stage can be set up.
This is the area where sponsors will hang banners and signs to plug their own interests. As you can see concerts and entertainment are an integral part of festivals are subject to the same planning as
other concerts. The size of the festival and the generosity of the sponsors usually dictate the size of the budget available for booking the artists and the acts.
Festivals are usually well attended especially when good talent is obtained and properly promoted. They are especially popular in small towns or areas that have a reputation for a particular product or commodity.
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